.. _irena: Irena manual ============ .. index:: ! Irena manual Manual |release| for Irena version 2.69 for Igor 8.0 and higher (will still work on Igor 7.05) .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 4 Introduction Important ImportData ExportData ScriptingTool Plotting DataManipulation Modeling UnifiedFit SizeDistribution AnalyticalModels SmallAngleDiffraction WAXS GuinierPorod Fractals PairDistanceDist Reflectivity 3DAggregate TwoPhaseSolid AnisotropyAnalysis ScatteringContrastCalculator DataMining EvaluateSizeDistributions Desmearing FormStructureFactors OtherTools FAQ Indices and tables ------------------ * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`search`