.. _irena: Irena manual ============ .. index:: ! Irena manual Manual |release| for Irena version 2.71 for Igor 8.0 and higher (will NOT work on Igor 7) .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 4 Introduction Important ImportData ExportData Plotting DataManipulation MetadataBrowser Modeling ModelingModels SimpleFits UnifiedFit SizeDistribution SysSpecModels SmallAngleDiffraction bioSAXS WAXS GuinierPorod Fractals PairDistanceDist Reflectivity 3DAggregate TwoPhaseSolid AnisotropyAnalysis ScatteringContrastCalculator DataMining EvaluateSizeDistributions Desmearing FormStructureFactors OtherTools AnalyzeResults ScriptingTool AnalyticalModels FAQ Indices and tables ------------------ * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`search`